GCA AI Forum: our collective intelligence on AI

By Malcolm Sullivan, Director at navos  Google ‘best practice use of AI in communication’ and you’ll find an awful lot of plausible sounding, SEO-optimised, AI-generated content on the subject. And the vast majority of it is rubbish. It’s never been easier to generate content on this (and every) topic. And that’s precisely why it’s so […]

Shaping the future, growing organically: Navos expands its leadership team

Christine Seeliger to become Managing Director Newly appointed Directors – Irene Österle, Jana Deutscher, Christiane Heddenhausen, Malcolm Sullivan and Daniel Hitschfeld – lead the largest teams and accounts at navos Three Heads of Service appointed: Stephanie Paukert for HR, Lars Brandt for Graphic & Design, and Kristin Bahrke for Administration & Finances.   Berlin, Düsseldorf, […]

We Communicate Change

With a new logo, branding and website, navos announces new focus on communication and dialogue for industrial transformation and energy transition. Berlin / Düsseldorf / Hamburg. Energy transition and climate neutrality, industrial transformation, digitalisation and new ways of working – our economy and society are in the midst of rapid, radical change. Industries, businesses and […]

Navos: New Structures For a New Decade

After ten years of growth: Agency expands its management structure with five associate partners Berlin, Düsseldorf, 11 August 2021. navos has grown steadily since it was founded ten years ago. The communication agency, which was founded by Anja Schlicht, Markus Hilse and Jung von Matt in 2011, now has 60 consultants. The agency, with offices […]

Global Communications Alliance elects Markus Hilse as Chair

The Global Communications Alliance (GCA), a network of 15 independent communications agencies covering four continents and 21 countries, has announced that Markus Hilse, Managing Director of navos – Public Dialogue Consultants (Germany) has been newly elected as Chair. Mavcomm Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is the only Indian member of the Global Communications Alliance. “We look forward […]

navos is Germany’s leading energy communicator: top position in the energy sector category in Germany’s most important PR agency ranking

Berlin / Dusseldorf / Hamburg, 29 April 2020: Digitalisation and energy transition are radically and irreversibly transforming the energy industry. And just as profound is the necessity for companies, organisations and projects to explain this transformation and define their own role within it, to their different stakeholders. navos has been helping its clients to do […]

Navos on course for growth

Almost ten years after its foundation, Navos – Public Dialogue Consultants is now setting the course for the next decade. With Charlotte Holzum (38) as a Managing Director and Annette Gerstenberg (39) as Partner, two colleagues who have been part of the team since Navos was founded in 2011 are taking on new responsibilities. READ […]


Reflections on a secondment to the Netherlands

In 2015, PLMR founded the Global Communications Alliance (GCA), a global network of likeminded communications agencies. Among the many benefits of having this international collaborative


Small modular reactors as a green energy source

This podcast was collaboratively created by team members, Catrin from PLMR (United Kingdom) and Emily from Bluesky Strategy Group (Canada). The two of them spoke


Resources of the Future

The below infographics were collaboratively created by team members, Julia from Navos (Germany) and Becky from Agenda (United States). The two of them reflected on

About the GCA

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