GCA AI Forum: our collective intelligence on AI

By Malcolm Sullivan, Director at navos 

Google ‘best practice use of AI in communication’ and you’ll find an awful lot of plausible sounding, SEO-optimised, AI-generated content on the subject. And the vast majority of it is rubbish. It’s never been easier to generate content on this (and every) topic. And that’s precisely why it’s so hard to find something actually insightful.

Luckily for us, when it comes to AI, GCA members no longer have to search for a needle of advice in a haystack of online information. The GCA AI Forum was established to provide a trusted and friendly forum for exchange of information, advice and learnings between the GCA’s member agencies.

Since summer 2023, colleagues from ten agencies from around the world have been meeting digitally every couple of months to talk about their latest AI learnings. We share notes on how we are talking with clients about AI and its use in client-work. What tools we are using, and how to get the most out of them. How we are driving best practice in our teams. What trainings we are offering.

Chat-GPT – just one of many powerful tools – is less than a year old. In the space of a year we now all have a tool at our fingertips that can, amongst other things: write texts, edit texts, critique texts, summarise and translate texts; generate ideas, critique those ideas and generate new ones. Just for starters.

Generative AI can’t do everything a communications professional has to do, not at all. The limitations are clear, as anyone who has read much AI generated content knows. The tell-tale ‘same-same tonality’ of so much Chat-GPT output just doesn’t live up to good, human produced content. But generative AI can do an awful lot. No serious communications professional can ignore AI: but most don’t really know how to go about getting the most out of it.

The GCA AI Forum is our attempt to change that – learning from each other, quickly. For the benefit of our members, our teams, and ultimately our clients.


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