Russian Government Reshuffle

For the first time during his presidency, on 9 November 2020, Vladimir Putin dismissed four members of Mikhail Mishustin’s Cabinet:

  • Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy,
  • Yevgeny Ditrikh, Minister of Transport,
  • Vladimir Yakushev, Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities, and
  • Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister for Natural Resources and the Environment.

Igor Artemiev, who has headed the Federal Antimonopoly Service since 2004, also left office on November 11.

Kesarev provides a brief overview of the reasons for these changes and their impact on the balance of power within the Government and the broader power groups in Russia.

Please click here for the full memo and the infographics. If you missed the initial memo on the appointment of the government in Russian at the beginning of this year you may find it here.

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