What Can International Investors Expect From the Change of Government?

On October 25, Lithuania held the second round of its parliamentary elections. 73 MPs were appointed in the first round on October 11th, with voters then electing the remaining 68 single district MPs to the Seimas, the country’s unicameral parliament, in round two. IGP member Kesarev, takes a deeper look at the election results, as well as what it means for Lithuania’s immediate policy direction and the likely impact on the business and investment communities.


Bluesky Strategy Group

Blue Skies Ahead Webinar

On Thursday, November 7, 2024, Bluesky Strategy Group Inc., hosted a timely post-election webinar analyzing the impacts of Donald Trump’s victory on U.S.-Canada relations. Their


Global Communications Alliance Energy Report

Welcome to the inaugural Global Communications Alliance (GCA) State of World Energy Report. The GCA is a diverse network of agencies, spanning seven continents and

Credo Advisory

Credo Podcast: Voices From The Margins

GCA member firm and alliance co-chair Credo Advisory is the host of Credo Voices, a monthly podcast dedicated to spotlighting the people driving progress and fostering

About the GCA

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