A Transformative Experience: My Secondment Journey with Infomedia Consulting and the Global Communications Alliance

As a digital marketing professional, working abroad has always been a goal of mine. My industry is ever-evolving, and I have always been interested in learning how digital marketing evolves in different countries and cultures. Starting my career as an apprentice opened my eyes to the professional world, and my passion for exploring diverse ways of working has only grown since then. Through PLMR and Infomedia Consulting’s partnership via the Global Communications Alliance (GCA), I recently had the incredible opportunity to participate in their Leadership Exchange Programme.

The GCA consists of independent corporate communications and public affairs agencies from around the globe, including the UK, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Australia. One of the standout benefits of being part of a GCA agency is the chance to immerse yourself in another agency’s operations for two weeks, exchanging ideas, strategies, and insights with fellow professionals.

In September 2024, PLMR enabled me to travel to Buenos Aires to work alongside the talented team at Infomedia Consulting. I had never been to Latin America before, but I was eager to learn how a agency similar to PLMR, especially their digital marketing team navigates its media landscape in this part of the world.

The experience was truly enlightening. Each day was filled with valuable learning opportunities, from engaging client briefings to meetings tackling key challenges within the industry. A standout moment was my interaction with the Public Affairs team, where we explored the dynamics of their new government and how they effectively engage with policymakers. I shared insights on the vital collaboration between PLMR’s digital and public affairs teams, emphasising the importance of reaching diverse audiences through targeted digital strategies. Additionally, I presented PLMR Digital’s innovative communication tools, that have been integral components of several successful public affairs and communication campaigns, along with the recognition PLMR Digital has received for our campaign tools over four consecutive years.

I also learned about their “Regional Hub”, which enables Infomedia to establish a presence throughout Argentina and across South America— allowing them to grow their clientele and presence across Latin America. This is similar to PLMR Group’s structure with our own regional presence in the East of England, Midlands and Scotland.

Although I found some cultural similarities between the UK and Argentina, the real magic of the trip came from the warm hospitality and expertise of my colleagues at Infomedia. Their willingness to share their insights and experiences provided me with fresh perspectives on enhancing our consulting practices within PLMR. Not forgetting the Argentinian snacks and treats provided!

Joining Infomedia for two weeks and participating in the Leadership Exchange Programme has not only expanded my professional skills but also allowed me to build lasting connections with colleagues around the world. Each exchange of ideas enriches our work, making us better consultants and advocates for our clients.

I am truly grateful for this opportunity, which has been a highlight of my career. I look forward to applying the knowledge and insights I gained during my time abroad to benefit my clients and share with my colleagues at PLMR.

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