Kesarev prepared a detailed outline of how “Google tax” is walking across the former Soviet Union region

Late June this year, the lower house of the Parliament of Kazakhstan (Majilis) approved in the first reading the draft amendments to the Tax Code introducing the so-called “Google tax” ( extraterritorial online service VAT ) in Kazakhstan.
The legislation is expected to pass the final second reading in the autumn and take effect from January 2021. Kazakhstan would then join a growing list of post-Soviet and EMEA jurisdictions introducing this model of taxation of digital services at the national level.


Bluesky Strategy Group

Blue Skies Ahead Webinar

On Thursday, November 7, 2024, Bluesky Strategy Group Inc., hosted a timely post-election webinar analyzing the impacts of Donald Trump’s victory on U.S.-Canada relations. Their


Global Communications Alliance Energy Report

Welcome to the inaugural Global Communications Alliance (GCA) State of World Energy Report. The GCA is a diverse network of agencies, spanning seven continents and

Credo Advisory

Credo Podcast: Voices From The Margins

GCA member firm and alliance co-chair Credo Advisory is the host of Credo Voices, a monthly podcast dedicated to spotlighting the people driving progress and fostering

About the GCA

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